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Hi, I’m Chris.

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina Wilmington

Check these out.


Priming "American Carnage:" Reality Television and Donald J. Trump. Critical Studies in Media Communication

Instructor of Communication

Georgia State University

Courses Taught:
Communication & Diversity
Rhetorical Theory & Criticism
Media, Culture, and Society
Human Communication
Introduction to Mass Communication


In my dissertation, I positioned American cancer rhetoric as an expansive multimodal rhetorical formation that functions through constitutive means to create a veil of unity, a fabled and romanticized cancer community, that obfuscates, erases, silences, and justifies the disparities in cancer care wrought by capitalism.


Robert Bostrom Young Scholar Award

Awarded at the 2019 Southern States Communication Association Conference for the “most outstanding paper submitted to the conference by a graduate student.”


Ph.D.|Georgia State University

M.A.|Texas State University

B.A.|DePaul University


(Nov 2024). The "War on Cancer" as a Constitutive Metaphoric Framework. Top Paper Panel in Rhetorical & Communication Theory Divisuion at the110th Annual National Communication Association Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

(May 2024). The Constitutive Materiality of American Cancer Culture's Iconic Objects. Dissertation chapter presented at the 21st Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference in Denver, Colorado.



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